International Orangutan Day-August 19th- Every Year!
(Formally World Orangutan Day)
Deforestation Education is proudly supporting Internatinal Orangutan Day- August 19th
For The World To Take Action In Preserving This Amazing Species.

About International Orangutan Day:
August 19th-Every Year
Something has to be done to save the orangutans and that is the reason for Internatinal Orangutan Day!

About World Orangutan Events:
World Orangutan Events is a non-partisan initiative to promote orangutan conservation and welfare, as well as inter organization cooperation.

Orangutan Lovers Showing
Their Support For
Do you love Orangutans!? Then show your support by sending us a photo like this one and we will post it to the World Orangutan Day Facebook page...
To send a photo email us at..
Or you can post it on our Facebook page wall, or tweet us!

Join Us On Twitter!
Follow @OrangutanDay

With everyone's help we can
Raise A LOT of Awareness!
Awareness is a KEY essential to help save orangutans!

Organizations Participating:
(Including but not limited too)